I would focus on all the action points - there are only 12 action VP per day from the red tabs and they can be achieved literally in just 15 minutes per day.
The downline should definitely do those - 15 minutes a day and you have 360 action VP at the end of the month. Then the weekly and monthly actions should be done - the weekly are just one team mail using the genealogy mailer, check the T-Connect page and 3 streams - again, probably just 15 minutes out of the week to do these and it's 152 VP for the month (4 weeks).
Creating a standing order is the next one - will give you 100 action points.
After that, it's up to the affiliate if they want to earn action points playing games or bidding on auctions, but the daily, weekly and monthly actions are very important and take very little of our time.
I would focus on all the action points - there are only 12 action VP per day from the red tabs and they can be achieved literally in just 15 minutes per day.
The downline should definitely do those - 15 minutes a day and you have 360 action VP at the end of the month. Then the weekly and monthly actions should be done - the weekly are just one team mail using the genealogy mailer, check the T-Connect page and 3 streams - again, probably just 15 minutes ...more