"TripleClicks - has been around for 15 years and is a hidden gem for on-line shopping deals. Not only is for shopping but is also an opportunity to earn an income through. I can show you how to do that. If you have 2 minutes, I can do that now."
Another script to try -
"Here it is on my cell phone/android phone/Ipad. TripleClicks has products available to any member to purchase with several opportunities to sell and make an income too. I appreciate the opportunity to build up my nest egg for my retirement and I can show you how this can be done for you. I can show in this right now, I just need 3 minutes of your time. Let's see how this on-line program can make your retirement a reality."
"TripleClicks - has been around for 15 years and is a hidden gem for on-line shopping deals. Not only is for shopping but is also an opportunity to earn an income through. I can show you how to do that. If you have 2 minutes, I can do that now."
Another script to try -
"Here it is on my cell phone/android phone/Ipad. TripleClicks has products available to any member to purchase with several opportunities to sell and make an income too. I appreciate the opportunity ...more