The most important tool in SFI is Tripleclicks and all activities related to it. Every tool you use to promote tripleclicks is important.
Because an affiliate gets COMMISSION if selling activities done at tripleclicks, either by his/her PRM, PSA or CSA. He/she gets additional compensation for the shares earned from tripleclicks Executive Pool(EP), which depend on affiliates qualification. Qualification is based on personal VPs. VPs come from sales and other activities e.g. bids, playing games, downloading songs etc, which are directly or indirectly related to purchase.
COMPENSATION of VPs personal or matching, of qualified Affiliates, comes from EP. and Dollars in EP are accumulated only if sale and purchase is done at tripleclicks.
All other action of reviewing or submitting information make us able to understand Tripleclicks and to learn and earn through use of it.
Therefore in my opinion Every tool, every method that promote Tripleclicks is SFI's most important Tool.
The most important tool in SFI is Tripleclicks and all activities related to it. Every tool you use to promote tripleclicks is important.
Because an affiliate gets COMMISSION if selling activities done at tripleclicks, either by his/her PRM, PSA or CSA. He/she gets additional compensation for the shares earned from tripleclicks Executive Pool(EP), which depend on affiliates qualification. Qualification is based on personal VPs. VPs come from sales and other activities e.g. bids, playing ...more