Both methods have both advantages and disadvantages.
With email you may not copy the address correctly, or perhaps they have given a false address or they themselves have put a typo in the email address. Their inbox may be full. They may have a spam catcher that sends you a reply to confirm. (This usually only has to be done once per address.)
If you are sending many emails this can be very time consuming.
With the PSA mailer it should go to both their email inbox and the SFI team mail inbox. Again if it is a false or incorrect address then you have to rely on them logging in to get the message.
With the new restrictions on the number of emails you can send you may want to consider a mix of both when it comes to contacting CSAs.
Both methods have both advantages and disadvantages.
With email you may not copy the address correctly, or perhaps they have given a false address or they themselves have put a typo in the email address. Their inbox may be full. They may have a spam catcher that sends you a reply to confirm. (This usually only has to be done once per address.)
If you are sending many emails this can be very time consuming.
With the PSA mailer it should go to both their email inbox ...more