I'm going to say that the S-Builder is the number one for team building but there are some close runners up.
S-Builder gets my nod because I can buy them for a free entry advertising coop for my team. This builds up the overall number of sales/affiliates in the down line but it also serves as a strong motivator for EA's who need more encouragement.
My second place would go to the Gift Card manager https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/GiftCertificateManager because a free gift is one of the very best ways to make a first impression.
My runner up tools would be the PSA's togo and the CSA's togo. Hopefully you can pick these up cheap at an auction :-)
I'm going to say that the S-Builder is the number one for team building but there are some close runners up.
S-Builder gets my nod because I can buy them for a free entry advertising coop for my team. This builds up the overall number of sales/affiliates in the down line but it also serves as a strong motivator for EA's who need more encouragement.
My second place would go to the Gift Card manager https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/GiftCertificateManager ...more