It is a fact that the stronger one's downline is, the more successful one is in SFI. Translating one's success (at First Generation) into successive generations is a daunting task for any SFI leader. The question is: "What is the best way to help my affiliates build their downlines?"
The best way I have discovered are these:
1. Training of my Affiliates about marketing or advertising. There are many free ways of advertising any opportunity online. Many affiliates come into SFI without prior online marketing experience. Through a series of tutorials, correspondences, I intimate them of various free methods and aids of marketing. I do this to teach "how to fish" and not just "giving them fish". Also, paid ads like S-Buider, PSA To Go, ECA's PSAs, PPC etc are discussed.
2. Setting up of Free COOP. I set up free COOP for my team and publicize it among them. I set criteria for getting the Free sign ups, which is usually attaining of a particular rank each month: Executive Affiliate, and more sign ups for advancing of ranks in any month. My downline do their part in re-qualifying to the rank of at least EA2 and at the same time, I reward them with new PSAs.
3. Following up with them and their downline. I encourage my team and offer them valuable tips and other resources for building their business. I also send mails to their downline to propel them to activity. I monitor the progress of their downline offering them or the downline solutions to whatever hiccups they are experiencing. Besides, I set up an autoresponder that any member of my downline can subscribe to.
4. Reassignment of Affiliates. I help my downline to build their business with reassignments. One of the reasons behind this is to use geographic proximity as a leverage into activity and enthusiasm in the downline.
5. Providing Leadership by example. I help my downline to have active downline by being active in ASK SC, SFI Forum and Stream posts; giving insightful comments and threads. These make their downline to see my enthusiasm and firm persuasion on this business. I am also building all of my badges to become golden; setting good example.
With these methods, my downline has been steadily increasing with new sign ups everyday, and many Team Leaders are springing up from Generation 2 downwards.
It is a fact that the stronger one's downline is, the more successful one is in SFI. Translating one's success (at First Generation) into successive generations is a daunting task for any SFI leader. The question is: "What is the best way to help my affiliates build their downlines?"
The best way I have discovered are these:
1. Training of my Affiliates about marketing or advertising. There are many free ways of advertising any opportunity online. Many affiliates come