Every affiliate is an individual and what may work for me does not necessarily mean that it will work for my downlines but I have an obligation to pass on my experiences to my downlines and this is what will help them diversify their thought pattern.
1. Pass on examples of what worked for me to them;
2. Motivate them with contests and award them PSAs through a co-op
3. Take advantage of promotions within TripleClicks like the recent PSAs to Go and encourage them to invest in them;
4. Emphasize the need to advertise to recruit and duplicate which is the core of the business;
5. Re-assign affiliates to your more promising downlines - it enhances their belief in the system particularly active affiliates. Though sometimes the inactive affiliates will surprise you.
Every affiliate is an individual and what may work for me does not necessarily mean that it will work for my downlines but I have an obligation to pass on my experiences to my downlines and this is what will help them diversify their thought pattern.
1. Pass on examples of what worked for me to them;
2. Motivate them with contests and award them PSAs through a co-op
3. Take advantage of promotions within TripleClicks like the recent PSAs to Go and encourage them to ...more