With traffic there are many options but the question is do you want lasting, sustainable results?
My bet is, with a question like this you are looking beyond the low quality of most free advertising sources. Traffic Exchanges, Safelist, Directory Submissions, and Free Classifieds all take massive amounts of time to get slow to no results. Fact is people go to these things looking to advertise an offer not to join a program so it can take 1,000 visitors to get one sign up and that's only if you try to sell them on the word FREE, which means you probably wont make any money off that recruit.
Pay Per Click, Banner and Display Ads, offline Newspaper and TV Ads all offer degrees of targeted traffic with virtually no limits but have cost that are tough to sustain while your business is still growing. You could spend $10,000.00 to get a team strong enough to pay you $1,000 to $2,000 a month in income which in the long term is a great investment but in the short term you just spent $10,000.00 on a potential return that is in no manner guaranteed.
Viral Marketing is an option.
With viral marketing you create or pay to have created a downline club script or re-brand-able e-book you can give away, video training materials with a link to join the program overlay-ed, or Infographics for Social Media and let the first person who views them share with their friends and so on. The issue is that it takes time for these to spread and gain steam and if they have any flaws they might not spread at all.
That brings up Article Marketing preferably blog based and socially shared via networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
With article marketing you don't have to be a great writer, you can learn as you go or even outsource the writing to others for as little as $5 per article. You just need to be consistent and have the right tools for syndication to which I recommend using the Wordpress platform as it is by far the most powerful system on the web today to build a blog or website. So much so that fortune 500 companies host their entire network of sites using the Wordpress Content Management System.
The reason article marketing is so powerful is that articles index in search engines free of charge and in as little as 30 minutes after posting. Every indexed article is like adding a Billboard on a major freeway, at first you may only have a couple billboards but if you ad 1 article a week you will have 52 billboards working 365 days a year for your site at little to no cost in a year's time. Add 1 new article a day and that's 365 new billboards a year pointing to your business.
Articles work fast and they work long term.
A article that is shared socially with even a modest network of like minded connections can see 100-200 visitors the first 24 hours of it's existence or more. If the article is informative and reads well and get's shared often it will gain more traffic each month for several months. I have one article on my blog that has had over 2,000 monthly views for a year now, that's 24,000 minimum unique viewer to the banners I have around my articles and links within them from a single post that went viral.
Even if you get 10 views a day on an article and add 52 articles a year the work you did to write one article per week could be generating 520 unique visitors a day to your ads within a year. That's over 15,000 visitors a month off a weekly blog that is your potential and it just keeps growing because next year you will add another 52 articles. The year after another 52 articles, etc..
These post are indexed for years and can draw traffic every time someone seeks the information in them. Learn to do keyword analysis and write to trends in your niche, and write content people want to read and you might soon have a site like the one I helped build that had over 3 million monthly page views off 600,000 unique visitors, generating nearly 5 million ad-views each month.
Figure out how many pages you would have to surf to get traffic like that.
Add up 5 million ad views at $10 per thousand or 50,000 ad clicks at a minimum 20 cents each and you will understand the value of that kind of traffic and it can all be generated for free by learning how to blog.
The best part is you blog can be about anything you desire. You could have a blog about fishing and a banner that reads Earn cash for that new Bass Boat and you will get people joining SFI every month like clockwork.