One of the major ways to build a sustainable residual income is through VP match, earned from the efforts of your downline. It is therefore in both your own interest and the interest of members of your team to help build their downlines. This does not mean you have to do their work for them but that you have a crucial role to play in advising, guiding and assisting the members of your team in not just building their downlines but building active ones by:
You need to assist them on the various methods of sponsoring including how and where to advertise. You may start by introducing them to free ad sites while you also encourage paid ad sites where possible. Encourage them to make it simple by also prospecting their warm market. You as the team leader may guide them to place their sponsoring gateways in relevant media, usually where you advertise yours if you are okay with it.
I deliberately separated this from the above because it has to do with you organising this using the SFI Co-op Manager tools where you bring in members of your team as co-op participants. By this, signups are directly delivered to the downlines of your team members.
Helping your team members to build active downlines requires strategic planning which may often require some degree of restructuring through reassignment techniques. This means as you use it to motivate and encourage some, you are equally using it to bring PSAs with similar regional and cultural background together, in order to help solve some common issues regarding their regions, cultures and languages.
One of the major ways to help build your team’s downlines is through duplication, which is encouraging and guiding them to do what you do, in building your own team. This means you must lead by example by doing that which is required to build a successful team and which you intend to teach your downline or intend for your downline to duplicate. You therefore need to encourage the team members you have assisted as above; sponsoring, co-opting and reassignments, to do the same for members of their own teams by helping to build their downlines.
These are some of the methods you use to build the downlines of your team, however, it is not just enough to build their downlines, serious efforts need to be deployed to continuously assist, guide, organise and lead them in order to produce a very effective, active and prosperous downline.
One of the major ways to build a sustainable residual income is through VP match, earned from the efforts of your downline. It is therefore in both your own interest and the interest of members of your team to help build their downlines. This does not mean you have to do their work for them but that you have a crucial role to play in advising, guiding and assisting the members of your team in not just building their downlines but building active ones by: