What Information should I give new affiliates in my first email to them?
My first thing to send is a Welcome letter, then in a email I'll send them information on what their daily task should be, also expain the red tabs.
I'll send something like this..
Welcome to my Team,
My personal mission is to do whatever I can, to help my teammates to achieve that outstanding monthly income as fast as possible. And I'd really like to invite you to heartily feel and embrace this same mission, to help your own teammates too.
The first steps as a New Affiliate you want to follow these steps.
#1. https://www.sfimg.com/confirm
#2. https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/emailhelp
#3. https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/Profile
#4. https://www.sfimg.com/Home?tab=a2a
#5. https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/PRReadyToGo
#6. https://www.sfimg.com/HelpDesk/GettingStartedFaq
There are 19 of these steps I'd post for them to follow, it helps them to get the VP they need.
What Information should I give new affiliates in my first email to them?
My first thing to send is a Welcome letter, then in a email I'll send them information on what their daily task should be, also expain the red tabs.
I'll send something like this..
Welcome to my Team,
My personal mission is to do whatever I can, to help my teammates to achieve that outstanding monthly income as fast as possible. And I'd really like to invite you to heartily feel and embrace this same