Playing the Eager Zebra games is beneficial to team members in that it allows for rewards in terms of the points gained in playing such as mrps, versapoints, badges and great prizes which are won from the games.
After the first month of achieving EA, other months becomes an uphill task except one had a standing order. With SO in place more efforts are required to reach team leadership positions and this is where the games come in handy. One can generate almost a thousand vps on the games alone. The prizes won at the auctions can be sold and reinvested into the business.
Moreover, it keep one entertained and relaxed.
Playing the Eager Zebra games is beneficial to team members in that it allows for rewards in terms of the points gained in playing such as mrps, versapoints, badges and great prizes which are won from the games.
After the first month of achieving EA, other months becomes an uphill task except one had a standing order. With SO in place more efforts are required to reach team leadership positions and this is where the games come in handy. One can generate almost a thousand vps on the games alone. ...more