How do I reassure prospective TripleClicks customers that shopping is safe and secure and they will receive delivery of product?
There have been a lot of quite technical answers given for this question and that’s all good but does anyone today really stop to check all that stuff? We can give our prospective customers all this information if they ask for it. But if they didn’t ask I wouldn’t bother.
No, what’s more important is OUR OWN EXPERIENCE.
Haven’t we all done this when we have made a purchase somewhere on-line? We show our family and friends the item we have purchased, tell them the website from which we bought it, tell them how cheap it was, and how quickly the item was delivered to us.
I suggest you do this with your prospective SFI customers too - just tell about YOUR experience.
And if you haven’t bought anything from SFI yet may I ask WHY NOT? And may I also ask you, how can you promote or sell something to someone else from SFI if you haven’t tested the process yourself first?
One of the best sales lines you can say to a prospective customer is, “I’ve bought over 40 items from TripleClicks over the past 18 months and I have NEVBER HAD A PROBLEM. It’s a great way to shop - cheap, secure, great service, quick delivery - I’ve been really impressed!”
Then I go on to say, “Let me show you?
“This is something I purchased from the TripleClicks Superstore. Can you see the WAVE3 banner on the back window of my car? It was shipped to me from SFI Headquarters at Lincoln in Nebraska in US. It was shipped within 24 hours and I received it within 10 days.
“And have a look at my new leather wallet (and I would show it to them). This I purchased from one of the E-Commerce Associate Stores (ECA’s) that sell through TripleClicks. The ECA was in India but the product shipped from China. Again the wallet was shipped within 48 hours and I received it within 10 days.
“I had a similar experience with a set of bathroom scales I purchased too. These I bought from an ECA in New York but the scales were shipped to me from UK and again I received them within 12 days.
“And I have bought many digital products from SFI too - such things as TCredits and TripleClicks Gift Cards. The service is phenomenal. The products are transferred to my account as soon as the order has been completed and I can begin to use them immediately.
“And in each case full documentation is emailed to me at the time of ordering and I am also advised when the product has been shipped.
“I can’t fault SFI. It’s a really easy, efficient and safe system. I love it!
“You know I am now trying to buy as much as I can through TripleClicks, provided the price is competitive and the delivery time is quick.”
SFI also uses “state of the art” security systems and each product has a refund/return policy.
It’s a great company to do business with and I proud to be an affiliate."
People want re-assurance not legalise. We wouldn’t buy an ice cream from the corner shop unless we knew it was tasty (what we wanted) and wouldn’t make us sick. Shopping on-line is the same. Give them your experience.