I suggest buying TripleClicks items and then rating them each month. You get 25 action VersaPoints for each rating plus 1 TCredit. More importantly you get a badge for your SFI profile named "TripleClicks Product Reviews". My badge currently shows "31 Reviews" and that shows that I have purchased many products at TripleClicks.com. Your downline may actually see your reviews when they are shopping for products. So to sum up:
1) Buy TripleClicks items yourself and then be sure to rate each one
2) Rating each product earns you 25 action VersaPoints and 1 TCredit
3) You will receive a badge which shows your purchase and rating activity
4) Your downline may see your reviews when shopping on TripleClicks.com
I suggest buying TripleClicks items and then rating them each month. You get 25 action VersaPoints for each rating plus 1 TCredit. More importantly you get a badge for your SFI profile named "TripleClicks Product Reviews". My badge currently shows "31 Reviews" and that shows that I have purchased many products at TripleClicks.com. Your downline may actually see your reviews when they are shopping for products. So to sum up: