In any human endeavor you cannot do more than your best, so there is very limited assistance you can render to affiliates with limited Internet access. Internet limited access varies, e.g., having none at home or not enough network bandwidth to function properly. However, I will attempt to give a general overview of the type of help you may render below:
1. Use other conventional methods like telephone to communicate important and helpful information to them.
2. Limited access is still better than no access, so encourage them to do as much work as possible whenever they have access.
3. Guide them to certain actions they can perform like face-to-face prospecting for PSAs, ECAs and PRMs, since they have limited Internet access. They may need to always have some ECA brochures, x-cards, gift cards, etc. with them when on the move.
4. Organize physical meetings where possible and go with your laptop so that you can virtually demonstrate and guide them on what to do.
5. Encourage those who can afford it to set up a standing order in order to maintain their respective ranks, but please do not push hard on this.
7. You may help them by assisting and guiding their downlines by not letting up on your Gen 2 and beyond.
8. Encourage then to switch ON the Vacation Mode if they are not sure of access the next day in order to maintain their Day VP Streak where applicable.
9. You can help them by placing their urls on advertising spots and including them in your co-op in order to build their downlines.
No matter the help you render, you cannot do their work for them, so you need to encourage them to take action to revive their Internet connection.
In any human endeavor you cannot do more than your best, so there is very limited assistance you can render to affiliates with limited Internet access. Internet limited access varies, e.g., having none at home or not enough network bandwidth to function properly. However, I will attempt to give a general overview of the type of help you may render below:
1. Use other conventional methods like telephone to communicate important and helpful information to them.
2. Limited access