suggestion in this situation is to make use of the limited access to the computer to its
maximum.That is to say,until they become fully accessible to their own computer,they can start selling/marketing the TTripleclicks products and earn an income.Then, they can save this income to buy their own computer in due course of time.The local sponsor or A2A friends can help them to
proceed in their achievements.Strong will-power to stay,learn and earn is the winning slogan here. Good luck!
less suggestion in this situation is to make use of the limited access to the computer to its
maximum.That is to say,until they become fully accessible to their own computer,they can start selling/marketing the TTripleclicks products and earn an income.Then, they can save this income to buy their own computer in due course of time.The local sponsor or A2A friends can help them to
proceed in their achievements.Strong will-power to stay,learn and earn is the winning slogan here. Good ...more