The "safe and secure" part is easier than the "receive delivery" part. I can only give them my experience that TripleClicks has made timely delivery of items I have purchased.
TripleClicks uses an escrow system where the buyer submits their payment to TripleClicks, where it is held until the seller delivers evidence to TripleClicks that the item has been shipped, usually a delivery confirmation code from your mailing service. Then the seller will be paid by TripleClicks when the item is actually delivered.
That is how it is supposed to work. I, personally, have never had an item I have sold fail to arrive at its destination, including those shipped overseas. I once had a product returned to TripleClicks because of an address change, but it was quickly resent to the correct address.
I do know from reading reviews of individual products that sometimes products that are shipped between countries do not arrive in a timely way. It is the ECA's responsibility to monitor delivery of a package and follow up with the buyer to be sure the process was satisfactory. ECAs may be slow to ship, but this is why the buyer's money is held until the product is shipped, so the buyer can receive a prompt refund if they decide it is taking too long.
There are a number of fine digital products available to purchase for people who are concerned that a physical product will not arrive, and many products that are shipped within countries for those concerned about overseas delivery problems.
Shipping failures are usually a function of the postal service in that country, or a bad address given by the buyer. Some people in the TripleClicks database do not give complete addresses, perhaps their packages go to a "general delivery" window at their post office. Those things are outside of TripleClicks AND ECA's control. Even the mighty cannot deliver your package if you do not give them the correct address!
The "safe and secure" part is easier than the "receive delivery" part. I can only give them my experience that TripleClicks has made timely delivery of items I have purchased.
TripleClicks uses an escrow system where the buyer submits their payment to TripleClicks, where it is held until the seller delivers evidence to TripleClicks that the item has been shipped, usually a delivery confirmation code from your mailing service. Then the seller will be paid by TripleClicks