One of my PSAs did just that. Those who wanted to leave are doing so because of the low earnings at the start.
Secondly they suffer frustration when their team members are inactive. They send them mails yet no response. What did i do?
1. I let them see the benefits of a long term goal rather than the short term goal. I feed them with a forum article that spells this. It is the simple math of earning $2,500/month at www.sfimg.com/forum/thread?id=3402.
2. I let them see the power of little things. Everything great today started small. I let them see how small earnings can grow to become big e.g $0.79 can become $79, then $790 to $7,900 to $79,000 to $790,000 etc. It all started with $0.79!
3. I show them the avenues of making back their money. Show them more ways that they can earn e.g ECA Program, Auctions, TripleClicks Sales, CSAs commissions etc
4. I identify where his/her frustration lies and i offer my help.
Through the above i've been able to keep them going.
The fact of life is what needs to be taught. No Successful man ever became successful without learning the principle of small growth. It is the foundation of his successful business.
It is only in the grave, that you start at the top. Every living thing or enterprise began small. If they know this principle enough, they won't quit.
One of my PSAs did just that. Those who wanted to leave are doing so because of the low earnings at the start.
Secondly they suffer frustration when their team members are inactive. They send them mails yet no response. What did i do?
1. I let them see the benefits of a long term goal rather than the short term goal. I feed them with a forum article that spells this. It is the simple math of earning $2,500/month at www.sfimg.com/forum/thread?id=3402.
2. I let them see the