For the following reasons affiliate having his/her own domain is better.
a) Seriousness : when you reach the decision to look for your own business domain,this means building seriousness,confidence and professionalism to your business.
b)Goal tool:Your personal domain acts as a tool to achieve your goals,everyday it will reminds of why you made that domain, for which purpose? Which goals? How or where to use it everyday? Hence putting into consideration all this will help you not to quit or loose your goals.
c)New affiliate attraction:Whenever you introduce your business to prospects finally they will need the link to join, once they see your personal domain they will have no hesitation to join you and also be wondering how successful you are now.
d)Doing business with proud :As long as you use your own domain it is a pride.You will complete sense of ownership which will always free you from shy or fear to introduce your business to everyone. Even if you meet with a stranger you can still fee good to give out your business with your own domain.
In fact personal domain will give you a wide range to do your business.
Hi friend,
For the following reasons affiliate having his/her own domain is better.
a) Seriousness : when you reach the decision to look for your own business domain,this means building seriousness,confidence and professionalism to your business.
b)Goal tool:Your personal domain acts as a tool to achieve your goals,everyday it will reminds of why you made that domain, for which purpose? Which goals? How or where to use it everyday? Hence putting into consideration ...more