I can't even fathom why you would NOT sponsor someone from another culture than yours. SFI is a GLOBAL company, and already has hundreds of Affiliates from every corner of our round earth!
What is most desired in your sponsored Affiliate is the following:
1. A desire to better their life.
2. A drive to work to achieve success.
3. Access to the internet.
4. The ability to learn, which, honestly, is the ability to READ. (SFI offers the most comprehensive library of learning material simply found by doing the LAUNCHPAD, BASICS and Daily To-Do List. Utilizing the translation may need to be explained.)
All of these traits are HUMAN traits. It matters not where one lives. The human spirit is a truly magnificent thing!
Sponsor to your hearts content, and encourage those you sponsor to become EA. Teach them how to sponsor to their hearts content, and to teach those they sponsor how to become EA. This is the very CORE of SFI. Duplication! It's magic!
Benefits you receive will greatly surpass the effort you take to overcome a concern about the language or cultural differences. Having built a business of Affiliates from across the global span will render your business much stronger to endure any economically weak time frame.
I can see NO reason that your SFI business would suffer from having Affiliates from anywhere in the entire world.
That being said, Yes, yes yes yes, it is very much worthwhile to sponsor Affiliates regardless of their language or location! DO IT, and I will see you at the top!!
I can't even fathom why you would NOT sponsor someone from another culture than yours. SFI is a GLOBAL company, and already has hundreds of Affiliates from every corner of our round earth!
What is most desired in your sponsored Affiliate is the following:
1. A desire to better their life.
2. A drive to work to achieve success.
3. Access to the internet.
4. The ability to learn, which, honestly, is the ability to READ. (SFI offers the