Absolutely, yes it is!! SFI has Google Translate on most of its pages, which is not perfect, but gets the points across without too much difficulty.
And maybe their English might improve over time, which could be beneficial to them.
Computer/Internet experience is a little more complicated, but definitely not overly difficult. We have many affiliates that post on Forum, answering some technical questions about both. If one needs a lot of help, for the internet part, Internet Income series can be extremely helpful. For computer help, either watch for Forums on the subject, or ask your own question/request for help. When you find a good answer, ask for a2a friendship, via their profile page, NOT right there in Forum page.
Where there is a will, there is a way to find answers. We were none born computer techs, so all have to start from zero in learning curve!:)
Hope this helps some:))...
Absolutely, yes it is!! SFI has Google Translate on most of its pages, which is not perfect, but gets the points across without too much difficulty.
And maybe their English might improve over time, which could be beneficial to them.
Computer/Internet experience is a little more complicated, but definitely not overly difficult. We have many affiliates that post on Forum, answering some technical questions about both. If one needs a lot of help, for the internet part, Internet