I like that I am able to connect with those who I may have direct contact with and custom fit advertising to areas that I know.
I like that I am able to purchase PSA's from other sources so that I am able to leverage the knowledge of others to grow my down line and grow my SFI business. Buying the PSA's provides me opportunity to reach people that I would have never through about or have any knowledge about due to differences in culture, language, or what is valued by he/she.
The more I do for myself in addition to leveraging what others are doing to recruit PSA's I am guaranteed growth every month.
This is a diversified portfolio for growth and I prefer to not just "place all eggs in one basket" but using a blended advertising campaign growth method, I am guaranteed that I will have consistent, steady and sustainable growth month after month.
I like that I am able to connect with those who I may have direct contact with and custom fit advertising to areas that I know.
I like that I am able to purchase PSA's from other sources so that I am able to leverage the knowledge of others to grow my down line and grow my SFI business. Buying the PSA's provides me opportunity to reach people that I would have never through about or have any knowledge about due to differences in culture, language, or what is valued ...more