What I learned in those two months at SFI is that first you have to have a lot of patience. In the beginning I only worked daily tasks and read the instructions from experienced colleagues which are very useful. No one can begin with earnings until the first not the role of money and that's a fact. I still do not have any earnings but I hope it will also change. In the beginning I started to buy TC credit so I could maintain their status I'm still at the beginning but from day to day progress and hope for the best. My advice is to do what you advise experienced people who have long been members of the SFI i can not go wrong whatever you do because it's the only way to succeed in business in as much as you want to be doing. In my opinion it is best to do both if you have the opportunity to do so because one is related to the other and to me it is the most rapid way to succeed in business. I'm still not someone who gives good advice but I think of experienced people who have many years in this business, you can learn a lot and eventually succeed. I wish you much success!!!
What I learned in those two months at SFI is that first you have to have a lot of patience. In the beginning I only worked daily tasks and read the instructions from experienced colleagues which are very useful. No one can begin with earnings until the first not the role of money and that's a fact. I still do not have any earnings but I hope it will also change. In the beginning I started to buy TC credit so I could maintain their status I'm still at the beginning but from day to day progress and ...more