To identify, your watch out for the following:
1. Be their being active in the business.
2. By their participation in the different activities in the business e.g forum, Ask Sc
3. By communicating with you by asking questions and i mean precise and right questions. The skill of a man is known through training. Being trained births questions and the questions asked is a pointer to the level in which your affiliate is trained and that is a clue.
4. Through your affiliate's Profile score. That's the real key to your question. Why? This is because your affiliate's profile score is the overall score of your affiliate's profile info. When it is completed, SFI sends you the score. If the score is high, it is a tendency that your affiliate has a high skill in internet marketing. If it is low, he/she doesn't know much. That way you'l know how to develop the little skill each has.
To identify, your watch out for the following:
1. Be their being active in the business.
2. By their participation in the different activities in the business e.g forum, Ask Sc
3. By communicating with you by asking questions and i mean precise and right questions. The skill of a man is known through training. Being trained births questions and the questions asked is a pointer to the level in which your affiliate is trained and that is a clue.
4. Through your affiliate's Profile ...more