It should be those that can assist your team of PSAs or CSAs to grow their business, means those recommended by SFI. Items related to business bulding like T-Credits, Gift Certificate, PSA-To-Go and S-Builder Co-op would certainly assure them progressing. In return, you will progress and attain your TL positions as they attained theirs. They may follow your actions and duplication will mushroom!
So, my take is, stick to DO's and DON'Ts and follow the Awesome Sponsors tips by SFI. Remember, SFI is not complicated at all but we make it messy most of the time.
It should be those that can assist your team of PSAs or CSAs to grow their business, means those recommended by SFI. Items related to business bulding like T-Credits, Gift Certificate, PSA-To-Go and S-Builder Co-op would certainly assure them progressing. In return, you will progress and attain your TL positions as they attained theirs. They may follow your actions and duplication will mushroom!
So, my take is, stick to DO's and DON'Ts and follow the Awesome Sponsors tips by SFI. ...more