Personally I think cold calling a list of phone numbers to recruit new Personally Sponsored Affiliates is not the way to go, however if you have the time and are comfortable dialing a list of people for the first time and talking about SFI.
I prefer using Ads from TripleClicks that generate traffic to my Gateways, and purchasing PSA packs and having S-builder shares. You get a lot of new Personally Sponsored Affiliates but its a number game as quite a few are usually inactive and in order to succeed in SFI you need a strong active downline to earn large shares of duplication earnings.
Personally I think cold calling a list of phone numbers to recruit new Personally Sponsored Affiliates is not the way to go, however if you have the time and are comfortable dialing a list of people for the first time and talking about SFI.
I prefer using Ads from TripleClicks that generate traffic to my Gateways, and purchasing PSA packs and having S-builder shares. You get a lot of new Personally Sponsored Affiliates but its a number game as quite a few are usually inactive and in order ...more