There is no one-size-fits-all answer for everyone. When you see one of your affiliates headed in that direction, ie plowing through all of the free points and climbing the ranks, you should begin to ask them questions. Help them to create a plan based upon their answers. If Team Leader status is where they want to be from their first month, and they feel that they can sustain a Team Leader level, then let them work their business as they see fit. You can provide them with the reasons that you feel this is not a good idea but for those who are determined to do it their way, there is no stopping them.
My first month I was aiming for Bronze team leader and ended up becoming a Platinum Team Leader first month. This is my third month and I am not quitting, I have not allowed my level to slide down to EA status, nor do I intend to. Each month I create a plan of action to elevate my level to Bronze Team Leader and then I work towards that goal. In the three months that I have been with SFI my team has grown to over 250 members. Most of those are second home CSA's but a few of them are actually aiming higher than I am and making commissions for me. I have also recruited 17 PSA's using various methods.
One Team Leader in the forum said that when he got his crop of Second Home CSA's his income went up to over $100 per month. Had he not qualified as a Team Leader there would have been no Second Home CSA's for him and that income would have gone to some other ambitious Team Leader. My point is that there are benefits to qualifying as a team leader and that some people have higher aspirations and goals than you do, you shouldn't try to hold everyone to your specific standard, levels, or goals. Just make sure that you offer support and advice for each of your affiliates and allow them to seek their own levels.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer for everyone. When you see one of your affiliates headed in that direction, ie plowing through all of the free points and climbing the ranks, you should begin to ask them questions. Help them to create a plan based upon their answers. If Team Leader status is where they want to be from their first month, and they feel that they can sustain a Team Leader level, then let them work their business as they see fit. You can provide them with the reasons that you feel ...more