It’s a wonderful & wise question. Generally we tend to advise our Personally Sponsore Affiliate to slow down and not to become Team Leader very fast.
Case 1
It may apply for the affiliates who are less educated, less witty & a bit more lazy. They may take more time to understand information given in Launch Pad lessons, Start section & SFI Basics etc. In fact there is a lot of information given in SFI in other sections too. Like information under the tabs Alert, To-di-List, daily Tips, tripleclicks, Scoreboard, a2a, Movers, Growth, Goals and Ask-SC. They may take more time to understand all this information. Such type of affiliates are needed to go slow for becoming team leader as they would not succeed in duplication.
Case 2
On the other hand, there may be PSAs in your down line who may have completed 1500 VPs in a day or too showing you the sign of their intelligence, wit and smartness. You know that these are the affiliates who are going to make your business really strong. They are good and fast in reading all the information provided in SFI. First of all maintain a constant communication with such candidates and then advise them to go Team Leaders as soon as possible. I am sure they will succeed in duplication of SFI business too.
It’s a wonderful & wise question. Generally we tend to advise our Personally Sponsore Affiliate to slow down and not to become Team Leader very fast.
Case 1
It may apply for the affiliates who are less educated, less witty & a bit more lazy. They may take more time to understand information given in Launch Pad lessons, Start section & SFI Basics etc. In fact there is a lot of information given in SFI in other sections too. Like information ...more