Hello Mahonar
The first thing to do is to concentrate on the getting started on his /her to do lists and becoming a fast tracker. The essence of this is to get the new affiliate a sense of immediate success. Purchasing the NMP enhances the affiliate to start building a team even before becoming an Executive. That's a first milestone SFI has created for their new affiliate.
Besides, the getting started has compressed all major facts of SFI into one part e.g the article about SFI, marketing center, Standing order information page etc are the core value of this SFI business. In the getting started, the affiliate has a great opportunity of knowing about SFI at a glance. Besides the getting started, the Intermediate actions in the to do list are the summarized training kit that makes training both educative and fun.
So in short, let the new affiliate concentrates on his/her To Do List because that's the core of his/her earnings and tasks to grow the business. Then every other thing will now follow. The new affiliate is ready to learn as much as earn.
Hello Mahonar
The first thing to do is to concentrate on the getting started on his /her to do lists and becoming a fast tracker. The essence of this is to get the new affiliate a sense of immediate success. Purchasing the NMP enhances the affiliate to start building a team even before becoming an Executive. That's a first milestone SFI has created for their new affiliate.
Besides, the getting started has compressed all major facts of SFI into one part e.g the article about SFI, marketing ...more