Since every person, who joined sfi has a certain purpose like want to make money with online business or want to some extra money in their free time,So the most important thing is Learning all parts of sfi business like as for a great training read sfi Launchpad lessons,For any support see on support tab,Ask your own question related to sfi and Tripleclicks on Ask sc and sfi forum,If you have any troubling performing any action on sfi or tripleclicks or other type then contect your Sponser Co-sponser or up line etc.
For learning better sfi program take each action of sfi because each action is more important itself.Never shuold be learn every thing of this business in a few time because you may miss some important topic which may be reason for unsuccessful so learn each thing until their satisfy and take the all advantage.
SFI and Tripleclicks both are in a great combination of sfi business.At sfi site you maintain your business by taking different type action while in TC store you have great fun with Tc games like pricebender penny auction, Pick the price,Time machine,Gold streck,T-time draw etc and if you great skill of selling product online by referring customer then it's become awesome because here you can earn unlimited commission by reffering customers and also earn VPs(Versa points).
In this business your success depend upon your work,how much you take action how much you work in different field that's your success of business.Keep in mind that there is limit of unsuccess but there is no limit of success.
Above all the suggestions are from you to your downline.Hope this answer help u....
Since every person, who joined sfi has a certain purpose like want to make money with online business or want to some extra money in their free time,So the most important thing is Learning all parts of sfi business like as for a great training read sfi Launchpad lessons,For any support see on support tab,Ask your own question related to sfi and Tripleclicks on Ask sc and sfi forum,If you have any troubling performing any action on sfi or tripleclicks or other type then contect your Sponser Co-sponser