Never Discourage A Leader From Taking Action!
Leaders take responsibility!
Leaders take action and find a way!
Leaders think big!
Leaders are focused!
You should "guide" your new PSAs, but never try to limit them! Yes, Team Building is the foundation of being a Team Leader. However, there's nothing wrong with exploring every possibility that SFI has to offer from the first day a PSAs signs into their account.
I think it would be more productive to ask "Empowering Questions". The bottomline is that the questions we ask will determine the answers we receive. If we want big results then we must ask big questions. We must ask questions that stretch our minds. The right questions give us the answers we need to succeed so carefully consider those questions.
If you want to become a DTL then ask a DTL what questions they ask themselves! How do they think? What are their strategies? Do they focus on limiting their PSAs? Do they encourage massive action? You want the opinion of someone who's done what you want to do! This is a "rinse and repeat" business so focus on thinking like a proven results driven leader!
If I was starting over today I would achieve PTL my very first month without question! I would use that experience to build my team quickly and effectively! Having watched leaders for 30 years in this industry I can say that "Leaders Get Going".
If we continue to do what we've done we'll continue to get what we've got!
Never Discourage A Leader From Taking Action!
Leaders take responsibility!
Leaders take action and find a way!
Leaders think big!
Leaders are focused!
You should "guide" your new PSAs, but never try to limit them! Yes, Team Building is the foundation of being a Team Leader. However, there's nothing wrong with exploring every possibility that SFI has to offer from the first day a PSAs signs into their account.
I think it