Hello, David Evans! How are you my friend?
It seems that your question might be one of the most popular, garnishing one of the largest numbers of answers.
Many of those answers I read point to "how to earn MRPs", whereas your quest is to see how to benefit the most out of them.
The easiest and most obvious points to using the MRPs for small amounts of Tcredits (1 to 10) and the attached Purchase VPs.
I personally think that it is more valuable to focus on the greater benefits.
A. First, let's keep in mind one important feature of the MRPs: They have a expiration date. Whatever you plan to do with your MRPs, do it before that expiration date. This is important if you plan to accumulate as much as you can for greater benefits.
I do think that the best strategy to stretch your MRPs is by earning and accumulating as much as you can and use them for meaningful actions to boost your SFI Business and take it to the next level.
B. The MRPs, like the Tcredits, are a Tripleclicks currency you can exchange for any goods or services within Tripleclicks and in your transactions with the ECAs.
You can buy Tcredits or win them in auctions.
But you can only earn MRPs through your activity and membership.
C. How can you boost your SFI business using MRPs?
I personally like to have fairly large amounts of MRPS.
That gives me the flexibility to choose the actions or the products that will benefit my business the most at the time I decide to use them.
Any Tripleclicks product or service has an MRP value.
(a) I suggest you set up a wish list of what interest you the most, work your way to accumulate the amounts of MRPs you need to buy those goods and services on your wish list.
It may be anything: Tcredits for auctions, Consumer electronics, PSAs-to-G0, Traffic Packages from ECAs, S-Builder Co-op units with which you can provide effective support to your own PSAs and develop your team.
(b) It might be beneficial to have a strategy.
1.Start by identifying all the resources you can harness.
2. Set up clear goals of what you want to achieve and within a given time frame.
3. Define the objective you want to achieve by using your MRPs
4. Work on to get the amount of MRPs you need to achieve that goal
5. Execute your strategy as soon as you reach that amount.
If you use your MRPs for any Tripleclicks product, you will get the attached Purchase VPs.
That is not the case for the ECAs products and services.
If you keep the above in mind, you will make the most out of your MRPs.
Good luck to you and to everybody else.
Aim High! Dream Big!
Hello, David Evans! How are you my friend?
It seems that your question might be one of the most popular, garnishing one of the largest numbers of answers.
Many of those answers I read point to "how to earn MRPs", whereas your quest is to see how to benefit the most out of them.
The easiest and most obvious points to using the MRPs for small amounts of Tcredits (1 to 10) and the attached Purchase VPs.
I personally think that it is more valuable