Getting the most from your MRP is just a matter of how you spend them. If you spend them on merchandise that you can flip on Ebay then you have "created cash out of thin air". It is easy to do.
1. Set a budget to spend on Tripleclicks.
2. Participate in as many auctions as your budget will allow. DB auctions provide 10 MRP for every 1 TCredit spent.
3. Amass enough MRP to buy a nice product from the MRP store.
4. When you have the item, set up an E-bay account. There is a fee involved to sell on Ebay.
5. Put the item up for a 3 day auction set to close at 12:00am your time on the third day.
6. Start the bid price lower that what the item retails for at Ebay.
7. Let the bidding war begin and watch for the winner!
8. Ship the item asap to the winner.
Another thing you can do is use your MRP to build your SFI business. Always invest in TCredits because that is the currency of the auctions. If you need VP then buying TCredits in singles tend to give you greater value in VP and MRP. The actual value of a MRP varies widely across the board. So beware of just spending your MRP frivolously as they are like cash. When it comes to capital, we know that cash is king!
Getting the most from your MRP is just a matter of how you spend them. If you spend them on merchandise that you can flip on Ebay then you have "created cash out of thin air". It is easy to do.
1. Set a budget to spend on Tripleclicks.
2. Participate in as many auctions as your budget will allow. DB auctions provide 10 MRP for every 1 TCredit spent.
3. Amass enough MRP to buy a nice product from the MRP store.
4. When you have the item, set up an E-bay