Hi there,
Your relationship ?
For your prospects ?
That's a good one..
Open your mobile phone,
Open your SFI homepage, and show it proudly to your prospect.
Our SFI homepage holds too many information of our work with SFI. Let's start with our names, badges, title ranks, points, achievements, Payoneer pays, SFI community, TripleClicks 90000 products and much much more.
Don't get overwhelm yet.
Please..., tell them.
Once their sign up to SFI is approved, they will also owns their own SFI homepage with their name and profile and their business that they can keep for their whole life.
Back to relationship.., this relationship with SFI is really gonna be for a lifetime, in fact, you can even pass down to your next generation in your family. You can even write a will. This relationship with SFI will also be a large one. You will eventually grow your teams, wide and deep.
So, ending this up,
I claim mine..
My relationship with SFI is a lifetime relationship.
Now, how's yours?
Hi there,
Your relationship ?
For your prospects ?
That's a good one..
Open your mobile phone,
Open your SFI homepage, and show it proudly to your prospect.
Our SFI homepage holds too many information of our work with SFI. Let's start with our names, badges, title ranks, points, achievements, Payoneer pays, SFI community, TripleClicks 90000 products and much much more.
Don't get overwhelm yet.
Please..., tell them.