MRP are earned when you :buy Tripleclicks products
:bid at PRICEBENDER'S auctions
:play Eager Zebra Games
:download songs from TC music
Everything you do at SFI involves MRP. Remember that all MRP has a 1year expiration date. There are many uses for MRP the best being 126 MRP for 1TC, you will also receive 102 sales VP and 5MRP.
You can also bid at the double MRP auctions and earn 10 MRP for every bid.
Use MRP to purchase products at Tripleclicks like SBuilder, PSA's to go or any other Triplrclicks products.
You can also earn 50 MRP each month by participating in our free WAVE3 program.
Redeem MRP for TCREDITS - and earn more VP, to get to next rank.
- and distribute TC to new PSA's
-and increase your commissions.
You can save your MRP's for that television or IPad you always wanted,just remember the 1year expiration date .
To your success.
MRP are earned when you :buy Tripleclicks products
:bid at PRICEBENDER'S auctions
:play Eager Zebra Games
:download songs from TC music
Everything you do at SFI involves MRP. Remember that all MRP has a 1year expiration date. There are many uses for MRP the best being 126 MRP for 1TC, you will also receive