We can purchase thousands of eligible products at TripleClicks, list an MRP value next to the price. MRPs are handy when we need more VPs to achieve EA and higher Ranks. We can convert MRPs into VP by purchasing TCredits with it.
Out of all TCredit packages, the most valuable one is the 'Single TCredit' package which we can buy with 126 MRP. By using 126 MRP we get 102 Sales VPs. This is the most economically viable product one can buy using MRP.
Accumulate maximum MRPs in your MRP account and use it for emergency purchase whenever you are short of a few VPs or there's shortage of funds to buy a product.
We can purchase thousands of eligible products at TripleClicks, list an MRP value next to the price. MRPs are handy when we need more VPs to achieve EA and higher Ranks. We can convert MRPs into VP by purchasing TCredits with it.
Out of all TCredit packages, the most valuable one is the 'Single TCredit' package which we can buy with 126 MRP. By using 126 MRP we get 102 Sales VPs. This is the most economically viable product one can buy using MRP.