What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC)?
Its a sponsored links that show up when you perform a web search in Google, Yahoo and other search engines. By using PPC your goal is to get in front of searchers who are looking for your products, services and those that you have to offer.
To achieve the above, you will have to a do a careful keyword research, strategic bidding and you must be able to come out with a compelling advert copy, just to get the click.
When selling your products or services, make sales and build a ‘fan club’ at the same time. You may want to apply the following in order to boost your conversion or sign-ups rates from any pay per click campaign while also boosting your subscriber numbers.
1. Create a Landing Page
Ultra-specific page to send the search traffic to. Depending on the variety of key words you are bidding on, you may even build several landing pages that each address the specific needs of that searcher.
2. Do not participate in contextual advertising programs on publisher sites.
Contextual advertising brings too many “curiosity clicks” that kill your return on investment. You want people who are actively looking for what you are offering. You can choose to opt-out of non-search traffic with both Google and Yahoo.
3. Offer a quality free resource –- a mini-course, e-book, webminar, or other type of tutorial that is directly related to what you are selling. By teaching people about the subject matter of your product or service, you are actually engaging in a highly effective form of selling, at the same time establishing a relationship.
4. Whatever your free offer, it must be delivered by an email or RSS auto-responder that allows you to stay in contact with the prospect(s).
5. Inform your prospects that in addition to the free resource you are offering, they will also be receiving your email newsletter/blog updates. Make sure you make this part of your offer as enticing as possible. Ensure you’re delivering valuable, relevant content on a regular basis,
You should not expect people to just automatically jump at the chance to give you money upon arriving at your home page. Your real profits will come from the people who warm up to your offer.
What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC)?
Its a sponsored links that show up when you perform a web search in Google, Yahoo and other search engines. By using PPC your goal is to get in front of searchers who are looking for your products, services and those that you have to offer.
To achieve the above, you will have to a do a careful keyword research, strategic bidding and you must be able to come out with a compelling advert copy, just to get the click.
When selling your products