The way to promote is to consider the following point:
1.First build a cordial relationship with your downliners. you call it Customer Friendliness/ experience. Every successful Entrepreneur has succeeded through this platform. why? because they are the determinant factor of how sales come to your direction
2. You have to consider what you are selling. if what you are selling does not meet their needs, they won't patronize you. meet their needs through what you are selling
3. Consider your offers? can they afford the price? have you considered the shipping fee for you international affiliates? you must consider all these before fixing prices. However, put in prices that they can afford and at the same time would favour you.
4. Consider your ECA's mission statement. what do i mean? every business has a purpose and a service that they are rendering. what is it in a nut shell? that is your mission statement e.g Coca Cola mission Statement is Coca Cola for everyone. so do you have one? that is what summarizes every thing about your ECA store at a glance, that will determine whether you will be patronized or not
5. Do you have a discount for items bought at a certain price? This is to make you favourable above other competitors
6. What is your Sales Letter saying? This is what you write about your ECA Store at your Tconnect page. A sales letter describes your store and the call to action
7. When you have done the above then notify your downliners via your signature when you send them an E card or a newsletter.
8. Does it benefit them? if it does, they will keep coming! don't let it surround you but let it surround the advantages of your store to them . let it be so that they wiil see your store more preferable that others because it meets their need and you are customerly friendly
The way to promote is to consider the following point:
1.First build a cordial relationship with your downliners. you call it Customer Friendliness/ experience. Every successful Entrepreneur has succeeded through this platform. why? because they are the determinant factor of how sales come to your direction
2. You have to consider what you are selling. if what you are selling does not meet their needs, they won't patronize you. meet their needs through what you are selling