Perhaps the easiest way to explain this relationship to a non-SFI member is to tell them that SFI (I prefer calling it Secure Future International, at first) is the parent company and it supplies training, support and complete back office services including all the features required to maintain an online, home based business.
Tripleclicks, on the other hand, is your online store and the marketing arm of SFI. You have access to market, worldwide, over 90,000 products and services provided on Tripleclicks.
Here would be a good time to show them your own ECA store, the ECA index page or your favorite ECA as well as Pricebenders Auctions, Music and Games.
Nothing sells better than your own enthusiasm for the product (that being TripleClicks).
Perhaps the easiest way to explain this relationship to a non-SFI member is to tell them that SFI (I prefer calling it Secure Future International, at first) is the parent company and it supplies training, support and complete back office services including all the features required to maintain an online, home based business.
Tripleclicks, on the other hand, is your online store and the marketing arm of SFI. You have access to market, worldwide, over 90,000 products and services provided ...more