You do not need to motivate your downline. For starters you should not be referring to them as your downline as if they are below you. These are real people on your team and they will be responsible for their own teams. Your job is to lead your team in such a way that they will want to duplicate what you have done. The best way to this is through value. Are you following the pattern of an awesome sponsor? Does your team value your leadership? Have they benefited? Does it show in the ratings and comments they give you?
Your question suggests these are PSAs or CSAs that are already EA or EA2 and you wish to see them maintain. Great! We all want to build an active team of PSAs and CSAs. First you must be in a position to offer them something of value. Something that would motivate them to achieve a desired result.
You need to practice the way of give - not the way of get. Most want to know what they can get. You need to be different by giving of yourself of your time and resources.
What I would do is patiently wait for an active PSA to show and offer FREE entry into your Co-op to receive PSAs in rotation from your sources. First you will set the qualifiers because you don't want to start a team of PSAs that become dependent on you. I would require that they be Gold Fast-Track Members and make EA2 before the 10th of any given month. For every month they accomplish this you would enter them in your FREE Co-op the start of the following month - on a month by month basis. If they are not a Fast-Track Member then I would require they make EA2 before the 10th of the month and TL before the end of the month.
Now if they can not do either of the two above to build their team then they would need to rely solely on their own merits to accomplish the same. Making EA2 without a 1500 min. Standing Order in place is very easy to do and many will work that way. If they remain caught up in that cycle month after month without ever breaking from it they will eventually lose interest and give up anyway. You must maintain working with and investing in the workers. The more someone is vested the more staying power they will have and be less likely to quit.
If you are investing in your business in every way to give back to your team this is a win win for all and you will not in any way be perceived as greedy.
You do not need to motivate your downline. For starters you should not be referring to them as your downline as if they are below you. These are real people on your team and they will be responsible for their own teams. Your job is to lead your team in such a way that they will want to duplicate what you have done. The best way to this is through value. Are you following the pattern of an awesome sponsor? Does your team value your leadership? Have they benefited? Does it show in the ratings and comments ...more