In addition to using your JMT gateway for most of your prospects a very nicely written sales letter or ad should explain what I am about to tell you:
TC e-store is a rapidly growing and worldwide e-commerce solution for individuals and small businesses to sell used items as well as new products and services. It carries a wide array of products much like top line portals such as Amazon, E-bay and others.
My relationship to the e-store is that I affiliate this portal as my own personal business helping individuals and small business sell their products and services through the TC portal. Individuals also have the ability to become an affiliate of this personal referral network (SFI) that grows the e-store.
Once an affiliate or even just a member of the e-store you get great discounts and also the ability to sell your household items (as a listing) or have a mini-store in the portal as an E-Commerce Associate (ECA) and sell your products and services.
Auctions and Games make the e-store portal unique and gives even greater discounts seen nowhere else online.
SFI owns the TC portal and uses affiliation to grow the e-store portal. Affiliates are especially rewarded through residual income in a tiered affiliate system when they recruit other affiliates (ECAs and just personally sponsored affiliates, PSAs) and TC personally referred members (PRMs).
Affiliates are also rewarded for learning the system by accumulating points through actions of reading, connecting, leading, investing and teaching all leading up to ranked levels of Team leader status for even more monetary rewards.
As a Team Leader in SFI my job is to help you duplicate the business that I do in addition to E-commerce Solutions, I guide you through the affiliate system which on its own is self-explanatory but I provide the human element of aid.
In addition to using your JMT gateway for most of your prospects a very nicely written sales letter or ad should explain what I am about to tell you:
TC e-store is a rapidly growing and worldwide e-commerce solution for individuals and small businesses to sell used items as well as new products and services. It carries a wide array of products much like top line portals such as Amazon, E-bay and others.
My relationship to the e-store is that I affiliate this portal as my own