Suggesting downline requires adept knowledge of their activities and preferences. How do a downline member responds to a tip from upline and also are your downline members willing enough to accept any kind of advice. In most cases downlines require active leaders to guide them from beginning to invest cautiously in order to grow maximum business at minnimum cost. Leaders even if themselves may not have followed that tip for one reason or other must guide their downline to follow the route which they were not able to.
initially new affiliates find it very expensive to maintain EA2 status with standing orders and S-Builder co-ops simultaneously with other tripleclicks purchases. What experienced leaders need to guide their downline is take every step economically best, regardless of their own commissions and earnings. In greed for more and more self commission sponsors ask their CSA'S and PSA's to purchase uselesslly to become or maintain EA status. Infact these PSA'S or CSA's after spending few months become inactive due to their own minimal share returns in Executive pool.
What needs to be done sincerely is to tell them the real strength of PSA's brought thru gift certificates with whom they can personally communicate, they must bring in regular sources of income through them and motivate some serious businesses to become ECA'S at tripleclicks. Then promote the sales of your own ECA the only mean to earn maximum commissions.
Another tip that we can give them is to participate regularly in free eager zebra games and pricebender auctions of Tcredits , for which they need to purchase Tcredits separately one each to earn maximum vps.( 126 MRP = 1 TCREDIT WITH 102 VP).
Initially invest in S Builder co-op the only mean to give you PSA'S which will be your direct earning source in future.
purchase an independent domain or win it in DG to promote your business initially.
purchase those products whose benifit in terms of free versa points is maximum.