Simple Answer: You Don't!
SFI Training tells you this is a bad idea as every time the affiliate logs into the SFI back office SFI reminds them about not having a standing order and educates them on the value of becoming an EA2 every month.
No additional push is required.
You might mention the items you have bought and reviewed this month, or send out a list of the best value standing order items you have found on TripleClicks but give it as information to help them grow their business not as a sales pitch to fill your wallet.
Another thing to keep in mind is focus.
While it seems nice to get a rapid commission shortly after a new team member joins and hopefully get that bit of earnings every month, but a PSA who invest in PSA to Go or other SFI Co-Op Advertising might benefit you more and for a lot longer. Even if the items they purchase are not commission earning if they help the build a massive team both wide and deep you can earn more off their success than a commission off a single standing order.
After 13 months of being active again in SFI I now get nearly 1/3 of my income from matching VP and it's the fastest growing area of my business. In time the PSA who generate all these referrals that have stretched my business 4 levels deep and counting will earn me thousands of dollars while my Direct Commissions are still just a few hundred dollars a month.
Is it worth it to me to wait 6 months to a year for their action to gain traction before getting a good return on my investment getting them into SFI? Yes it is because the greater long term reward is what I am here for, not fast money.
Simple Answer: You Don't!
SFI Training tells you this is a bad idea as every time the affiliate logs into the SFI back office SFI reminds them about not having a standing order and educates them on the value of becoming an EA2 every month.
No additional push is required.
You might mention the items you have bought and reviewed this month, or send out a list of the best value standing order items you have found on TripleClicks but give it as information to help them