Pay Per Click advertising can be very expensive if you don't have the right tools and knowledge.
You have to constantly keep your eye on ROI or Return on Investment, and know how to laser target your prospects. You want people ready to work and willing to invest in themselves so that you get a active return on what you spend in acquisition. You are not going to achieve that if you target terms like free home business, earn easy income, or make money in 30 minutes a day.
You need to be able to boil down your niche to attract ready to start affiliates at a low cost per click.
Instead of targeting high traffic but high competition keywords like , "Start Home Business" or "Business Opportunity", you need to get people who are not just beginning their search and wont cost you $6-$7 a click to have them load and then leave your page. A ready to join prospect will search for terms like, "Reliable home business under $500" or "stable retail affiliate programs", they will possibly be researching SFI and may use terms like, "SFI success stories" or "Does Joining SFI Cost Money" or "Strong Future International Review".
These more targeted search terms will have fewer people bidding on them and will also catch the prospect further along in the decision making process when they are ready to join a certain type of program or even a certain company.
Converting these PPC visitors is another story.
You should have your own site with information about the program and possibly a free report attached to an autoresponder to capture leads you can then follow up with. In these pages you will be able to pre-sell the reasons to join SFI and prepare your prospect for what to expect when they join, but the most important factor is getting some type of means of contact started because the fact is, most people need to see an offer 7-9 times before they decide to buy in. If you aren't capturing leads you are just preparing your visitor to be someone else' PSA.
Hope this helps you get a good start, as for tools to research keyword competition I use Jaaxy which will help you find low competition related search terms that have a monthly search volume. It also has tools to help you find related domain names and review competition so you can see what they are doing right and tweak it to fit your marketing.
Pay Per Click advertising can be very expensive if you don't have the right tools and knowledge.
You have to constantly keep your eye on ROI or Return on Investment, and know how to laser target your prospects. You want people ready to work and willing to invest in themselves so that you get a active return on what you spend in acquisition. You are not going to achieve that if you target terms like free home business, earn easy income, or make money in 30 minutes a day.