Look, first of all, You don't need to motivate them to SPEND money. It should be much better if You will tell them to BUY something they need instead of first phrase. As well, as Team leader You should know that most of us with active first generation don't need to "spend" even 1$. How's that?
For example, with 10 active EA2s You will get 1000 VPs each month and through Your daily To-Do's lists You will be active with minimum of 1500 VPs. If You're on higher positions, as well You will get Your action points from first generation, daily tasks and sales You can make with promotion to Your store on TripleClicks.com or by registered PRMs.
It's true that someone will need to buy something somewhere in order to start circulating money, but I know on personal examples it is possible only by promoting Triple Clicks and active PRMs.
Look, first of all, You don't need to motivate them to SPEND money. It should be much better if You will tell them to BUY something they need instead of first phrase. As well, as Team leader You should know that most of us with active first generation don't need to "spend" even 1$. How's that?
For example, with 10 active EA2s You will get 1000 VPs each month and through Your daily To-Do's lists You will be active with minimum of 1500 VPs. If You're ...more