This method isn't recommended, just because You will earn once that people signed up from links on PPC and You will loose a lot if they will make good progress. Why? Because, people registered through those links will no exist in Your own downline.
But anyway, if You want to do it, just use simple steps from PPC Support. Make offered banners on Your affiliate center with link from PPC and that's all. When someone will sign up, You will be informed.
This method isn't recommended, just because You will earn once that people signed up from links on PPC and You will loose a lot if they will make good progress. Why? Because, people registered through those links will no exist in Your own downline.
But anyway, if You want to do it, just use simple steps from PPC Support. Make offered banners on Your affiliate center with link from PPC and that's all. When someone will sign up, You will be informed.