Respectively, all of us would like to recruit and have in downline only serious people, but most of the time it's not possible. Within these kinds of marketing plans and types of earnings, really nice success is when You make no more than 3% of total affiliates active.
In calculation, on 3000 people joined to Your team, if up to 90 people are active, You had been succeed.
As really experienced manager in some other MLMs on the global market, I can tell You that if You want to Your cooperators, affiliates believe You, just need to tell them TRUE and nothing but the TRUE.
Otherwise, all of them will sooner or later find out You spoke lies and that will be crash. They will opt-out or just stop to work, which will be complete disaster.
Respectively, all of us would like to recruit and have in downline only serious people, but most of the time it's not possible. Within these kinds of marketing plans and types of earnings, really nice success is when You make no more than 3% of total affiliates active.
In calculation, on 3000 people joined to Your team, if up to 90 people are active, You had been succeed.
As really experienced manager in some other MLMs on the global market, ...more