I have had the greatest luck on my blogs with the Grow a Second Income banners.
These clean blue banners appeal to people looking for extra money in their part time and don't come off sounding like another get rich quick scheme. The money tree spells income but doesn't send a message that it's overnight or easy to obtain.
Instead this banner says, "Grow" a second income.
If you get a chance to follow up with someone recruited off this banner you can easily draw up a example of how the system works. If they follow the 30 days of training in the Launch Pad lessons and put action to the ideas within it they will soon plant a tiny seed.
If they advertise and market their business it will be like providing sunlight and water to that seed and they will see it start to grow. As they continue these actions over time they will see their business expand like the branches on the tree, into multiple streams of income.
When they pass on the knowledge and experience to others they have recruited as PSA they will be like the fruit or flowers blossoming and spreading new seeds that start new trees so their tree someday becomes a forest.
I like to swap the link out for this banner with the Join My Team Gateway because it offers more detail to our program and can be used to recruit more serious members who are ready to work, but graphically this banner is a winner.
I have had the greatest luck on my blogs with the Grow a Second Income banners.
These clean blue banners appeal to people looking for extra money in their part time and don't come off sounding like another get rich quick scheme. The money tree spells income but doesn't send a message that it's overnight or easy to obtain.
Instead this banner says, "Grow" a second income.
If you get a chance to follow up with someone recruited off this banner you can easily