Once the proper strategies are laid down, it becomes very simple to manage a large, active downline. Consider the following guidelines for best results,
i) Each member of your active downline is unique and therefore attention to him/her has got to be
unique as well. You have to bring each of the members very close to know his/her strengths
versus weaknesses.This will result in you offering the desired support.
ii) At times you find a number of members echoing the same concern that needs to be addressed,
for this concern and many more that are of the same nature shouldn't make you to compromise
the uniqueness of each member. Address the member by his/her name showing him/her that you
recognize the contribution that trickles in from his/her action.
iii) When it comes to instant messaging ensure that you don't chat with multiple of your
downline members simultaneously, you're bound to make a mistake of referring to one of
them with a name for another member. This will definitely send out a wrong message, you're
not concentrating with the chatting which implies that you're not serious with your
Once the proper strategies are laid down, it becomes very simple to manage a large, active downline. Consider the following guidelines for best results,
i) Each member of your active downline is unique and therefore attention to him/her has got to be
unique as well. You have to bring each of the members very close to know his/her strengths
versus weaknesses.This will result in you offering the desired support.
ii) At times you find a number of members echoing