Aside from the amazing prices that items can be bought for.. MRP may take a little while to accumulate, but it comes in handy... 2224 MRP buys you a prestige domain, which is a very powerful tool.
but also, every 50 bids gets you a new PSA for your team. Also wig every bid comes 5 MRP.. it may seem like only pennies now.. but with discounts, savings, and unbeatable final sale prices... your are actually making/ recouping some decent money buying and recommending tripleclicks.
If a PSA is willing to setup their standing order for the 125 TCREDIT pack.. it's a huge benefit and the best of both worlds. At least that's what I'm finding for myself.. almost BTL for January, and I've only been an affiliate for 20 days or so.
Aside from the amazing prices that items can be bought for.. MRP may take a little while to accumulate, but it comes in handy... 2224 MRP buys you a prestige domain, which is a very powerful tool.
but also, every 50 bids gets you a new PSA for your team. Also wig every bid comes 5 MRP.. it may seem like only pennies now.. but with discounts, savings, and unbeatable final sale prices... your are actually making/ recouping some decent money buying and recommending tripleclicks.