Earlier the gateway used for affiliate sign up was not as much explanatory and affiliate specific. That looked likd a quick get rich program where alot of people were signing up and were devoid of the fact what hard work sfi requires and what earlier members have done to achieve such a stupenduous position.
Now the new gateway has made it member specific where a name alongwith photo and achievements are given to attract the new prospects in a fair manner. Now recommending it to every one in team or to make team is unavoidable. The charm it has got and the impact it makes on new prospects has made it compulsory for every one. However the affiliates who are in their first or second month at sfi think it to be not much exciting as they have nothing big to show in it but they donot realize that it is a good boost for them as well to use this new gateway. Those who have been through the old gateway and did not got convinced may stay more to read and get convinced to join.
Earlier the gateway used for affiliate sign up was not as much explanatory and affiliate specific. That looked likd a quick get rich program where alot of people were signing up and were devoid of the fact what hard work sfi requires and what earlier members have done to achieve such a stupenduous position.
Now the new gateway has made it member specific where a name alongwith photo and achievements are given to attract the new prospects in a fair manner. Now recommending it to every one in ...more